Wooden Flooring Manufacturing Unit For Sale In Jaipur

Listing ID: SL017674
Posted By: Owner
Last Active: 2+ months ago
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Product / Service

It is a Jaipur-based manufacturer of solid wood flooring and allied products.

Their Flagship Products are:
- Solid Wood Flooring - Acacia, Teak, Mango, etc.
- Reclaimed Wood Flooring – Acacia, Teak, Mango, Pine, etc.
- Acacia/Teak Sports flooring for Badminton, Squash, Basketball, etc.
- Acacia Wood Decking (25mm)
- Acacia Decking Tiles
- Engineered Poplar Flooring (2mm Top Layer)
- Engineered Teak/Acacia/Mango Flooring (6mm Top Layer)
- Solid Wood Panels for Exterior/Interior
- Parquet Mosaic (Acacia/Teak)
- Wooden Medallions
- Pergolas & Gazebos
- Prefabricated Wooden Cottages

Clientele type

They supply large institutions, architects, interior designers, home improvement stores, dealers, and retail customers. They cater to domestic as well as international clients as well.


The land plot is owned with a size of 50,000 sq. ft. where the constructed area is 15,000 sq. ft.

Asking Price Includes

The asking price includes but is not limited to land, building, machinery, stock, brand, promotional material, and technology.


The reason for selling the business is the lack of working capital.
- The woodworking industry is capital-intensive and the Wood Flooring business in particular requires a lot of working capital.
- Their primary reason for selling the business is the shortage of working capital which prevents us from keeping an appropriate level of inventory and executing large orders.
- With sufficient infusion of funds, the revenue and profitability of the business can be increased exponentially.

Other Details

They are the only manufacturers of prefinished solid wood flooring and engineered wood flooring in India. The business is ranked among the top wooden flooring companies in India.

Land: 50000 Sq. Ft. Iindustrial 85.00 Lacs

MS Shade: 8000 Sq. ft. @ Rs.600.00 /sqft 48.00 Lacs 15 /12 Height

Servant Quarters: 2000 Sq. ft. @ Rs.800.00 /Sqft 16.00 Lacs Including 5 Bathrooms

RCC Construction: 1500 Sq. ft. @ Rs. 1400 / Sqft 16.80 Lacs 2 set 2 BHK

Electrification: 11000 KVA /100 KVA Line +Transformer + Panel 25.00 Lakhs Including Internal wiring

Water: Boring + Tank + Plumbing + Hydrants 10.00 Lacs

Furniture & Fixture: 15.20 Lakhs

Wood Working Machines: 17 No Mixed Shapers, Thickness Planers. Sanding Moldings, Cutters, etc. 20.00 Lacs

Electric Tools, Jigs Dies: 25 No Mixed Drills, Hammers, Cutters, Sanders, etc. 5.00 Lacs

Hand Tools 50 No Mixed Clamps, Toolsets, etc. 1.00 Lacs

Finished Goods 10000.00 sq. ft. @ Rs. 300.00/ Sq. ft. 30.00 Lakhs

Semi Finished 10000.00 SQF @ Rs. 150.00 / SQF 15.00 Lakhs

Raw Material 10000.00 SQF @ Rs. 80.00 / SQF 8.00 Lakhs

Consumable Mixes 7.00 Lakhs

Wastage 20000 Kg @ 10.00 / Kg 2.00 Lakhs


Business Tags

Wooden Flooring Manufacturing Unit For Sale In Jaipur

₹10 to ₹200 Cr

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