WHO GMP Certified Pharma Formulation Company with Exports Capacity Plant for Sale in Haridwar

Listing ID: SL007668
Posted By: Owner
Last Active: 2+ months ago
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About Business

Tablets, Capsules, Oral and External Liquids, Dry Syrups, Protein Powders, Nutraceuticals, Beta and Non beta lactum in most categories like antibiotics, analgesics, antacids, cold and cough syrups, antihistamines, cardiac and diabetic medicines etc

Clientele type

Pharmaceutical marketing firms, Nutraceutical marketing firms, Doctors, PCDs, Distributors, Exporters


WHO GMP certified plant with 4000 sq mt plot area in state of the art industrial area of SIIDCUL Haridwar, with more than 1700 sq mt covered RCC constructed ground floor with ample space for production, QC, warehousing, admin sections,
900 sq mt mezzanine floor with HVACs,
utility section with 200KVA DG and transformer, VCB, scrap block, ETP etc.
Plant was recently upgraded and is completely owned by the promoter and no other partners.
The Premises is on Lease for 99 years
Rent is INR 20,000 per year

Asking Price Includes

Running drug formulation plant with QC lab, Land, Machinery, Utilities, Products, Inventory, WHO GMP certification, licenses, SLA approved drug list


To raise funds for other projects, new businesses

More Details

Technically qualified staff with Production, QA, QC, HR, Purchase, Accounts, Engineering, Warehouse departments.
Can manufacture >1000 approved products for domestic and export requirements.
They Serve in Kathmandu, Nepal. And in India - Patna, Allahabad, Mumbai, Surendranagar. Third-party mfg - UP, West Bengal, Delhi, etc
Good room for expansion by constructing the second and third floors.
There is plenty of area for construction in the rear part as well.
Plant is in a miscellaneous category sector of the Sidcul industrial estate so vertical integration is also possible.
The estate has state of the art infrastructure for electricity, water and roads along with supporting ancillary industry nearby

Business Tags

Good Running Condition Plant Machinery with good capacity Pharma Manufacturing Unit Prime Location Scope of Expansion WHO-GMP unit

₹10 to ₹200 Cr

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