Running Restaurant For Sale In Sonipat

Listing ID: SL017881
Posted By: Owner
Last Active: 2+ months ago
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Product / Service

It is a franchise of a 82-year-old restaurant that has more than 80+ restaurants pan India. This particular franchise serves Thalis, meals, starters, main courses, Indian bread, rice, sandwiches, snacks, desserts, and sides.

Clientele type

The restaurant is located on a highway that attracts travelers, tourists, localities, etc. They are also listed on Swiggy and Zomato.



Lease per month (in INR): 230,000

Security Deposit (in INR): 920,000

Carpet Area: 3,000 sq ft

The restaurant is set up on the popular belt of Murthal Dhabas.

Asking Price Includes

The asking price includes franchise fee, security deposit, complete restaurant equipment, etc.


The owner of the restaurant is wheelchair bound and they reside in New Delhi. It is getting difficult for them to look after the business.

Other Details

One of the major advantages for the restaurant is its brand association as the franchisor brand is rapidly gaining presence in India and they have plans to expand their network internationally as well. They have a team of 10 members who look after the day-to-day operations of the restaurant.


Business Tags

Running Restaurant For Sale In Sonipat

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