Pre School and Day Care business for sale in Pune
About Business
We are into playschool and day care business. At school we cater Upto Sr kg and also run a day care. The school is located in the prime location and is fully furnished.
Clientele type
We serve all types of clients who are looking for the best services to be offered to their kids
Lease per month (in INR): 35.00 K
Security Deposit (in INR): 3.00 L
Carpet Area: 1,500 sq ft
Rented space
Asking Price Includes
Since the property is rented you can continue if you wish too, else you can contact any other location. But from day 1 you can take in charge of the premises along with kids that are in the playschool and day care, All the toys, material, table, chairs, refrigerator, television, CCTV cameras, cupboards, office table,
I am moving out of the town.
More Details
More then 5 years of experience staff.
Safe and secured environment.
Outdoor space for kids to play.
Ample number of toys to play, through which kids improve their recognition skills, communication skills etc.
₹10 to ₹200 Cr
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How to contact a business owner directly to buy or invest in a business?
Connecting with a business owner directly is simple! Just follow these 3 easy steps: 1. Create your FREE Investor/Buyer profile on IndiaBizForSale 2. Explore the 'Business Opportunities' section to find 10,000+ business opportunities matching your investment preferences. 3. Click on the 'Contact Business' button and connect with business owner directly. Check here to know how it worksNote: Once you create your profile, you will get ONE introduction credit, allowing you to contact any ONE featured business.
How does IndiaBiz verify the business information?
The business opportunity is either posted by the business owner or advisor. After that, our team checks the information for completeness, language, and accuracy. Once the basic checks are met; only then the opportunity is published. We also get users' feedback for the opportunities they contact and based on their feedback, the opportunity maybe put on HOLD till further clarification. Many opportunities are not published when it does not pass through our internal procedure checks. We sincerely request you to carry out complete due diligence before taking the transaction ahead. In addition, the contact details of the business are verified via phone/email.
What to consider before buying or investing in a business?
Below are some of the factors that need to be considered before buying or investing in a business:- Growth prospects of the industry and business
- Sales, profitability, and cash flow of the business should be considered
- Consideration you have to pay; form of consideration (either cash or shares or some combination of both) to be paid?
- Source of financing the purchase
- Amount of additional investment that will be required to grow business
- Does the business have second-line of management?
- Are you going to run the business on day-to-day basis or appoint some professional for the same?
- What decisions are to be taken to improve the profitability of the business?
- Time period of payback or return is envisaged from the business?
- Any long-term strategic benefit or synergy with your existing business?
- Will the clients continue with the business after the acquisition?