Nutraceutical Plant For Sale In Hyderabad

Listing ID: SL018124
Posted By: Owner
Last Active: 1 month ago
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Product / Service

Manufacturer of over 100 Nutraceutical, Herbal, Ayurvedic, and Personal care products, operating on a state-of-the-art facility built to USFDA standards with GMP compliance.

Clientele type

They manufacture for All Health Care Companies (Pharma and Nutra both) - (More than 100 products).



Premise Size: 5 Acres

Market Value (in INR): 250,000,000

The equipment from the factory include but are not limited to:

1. Liquid Manufacturing Plant, with a capacity of 2000 liters per batch, made by Shree Bhagwati Machtech Private Limited, is located in the Liquid Manufacturing Area.
2. Liquid Storage Tanks (4 units), each with a capacity of 3000 liters, made by RM Engineering Private Limited, are located in the Liquid Storage Area.
3. Liquid Filling Complete Line, with a capacity of 30 BPM, made by Shree Bhagwati Machtech Private Limited, is located in the Liquid Filling Area.
4. Shrink Packaging Machine, with a capacity of 30 BPM, made by Multi Pack Private Limited, is located in the Liquid Packing Area.
5. Shipper Taping Machine, with a capacity of 5 BPM, made by Signode India Private Limited, is located in the Liquid Packing Area.
6. Weighing Balance, with a capacity of 150 kg, made by Mettler Toledo, is located in the Liquid Packing Area.
7. Vibro Sifter – I, with a capacity of 200 kg per hour, made by Kevin Process Technologies Private Limited, is located in Wet Granulation Room - I.
8. Ribbon Blender - 100 kg, with a capacity of 1000 kg per batch, made by Shree Bhagwati Machtech Private Limited, is located in Wet Granulation Room - I.
9. Vacuum Tray Dryer, with a capacity of 48 trays, made by Shree Bhagwati Machtech Private Limited, is located in Wet Granulation Room - I.
10. Co-Mill, with a capacity of 400 kg per hour, made by Shree Bhagwati Machtech Private Limited, is located in Wet Granulation Room – I.
11. SS Stirrer Tank -100 liters, with a capacity of 100 liters, made by Kevin Process Technologies Private Limited, is located in Coating Room – I.
12. Conventional Coating Pan, with a capacity of 150 kg per batch, made by Shree Bhagwati Machtech Private Limited, is located in Coating Room – II.
13. Capsule Filling Machine Complete Line, with a capacity of 150,000 capsules per hour, made by Captech Systems Private Limited, is located in Capsule Filling Room.
14. Tablet / Capsule Inspection Conveyor, with a capacity of 100,000 tablets per hour, made by Kevin Process Technologies Private Limited, is located in Tablet/Capsule Inspection Area.
15. Jar (Bulk) Packing Machine Complete Line, with a capacity of 80 BPM, made by Parle Global Technologies Private Limited, is located in Bulk Packing Area.
16. Vacuum Tray Dryer (R&D), with a capacity of 4 trays, made by Shree Bhagwati Machtech Private Limited, is located in R&D Pilot Area.
17. Coating Pan (R&D), with a capacity of 5 kg per batch, made by Shree Bhagwati Machtech Private Limited, is located in R&D Pilot Area.
18. Roller Compactor (R&D), with a capacity of 5 kg per hour, made by Kevin Process Technologies Private Limited, is located in R&D Pilot Area.
19. Mini Compression Machine (R&D), with a capacity of 2000 tablets per hour, made by Fluidpack Private Limited, is located in R&D Pilot Area.
20. Paste, Cream, Gel Manufacturing Plant Complete Line, with a capacity of 300 kg per batch, made by Shree Bhagwati Machtech Private Limited, is located in Semi-Solids Manufacturing Area.
21. Stability Chambers (2 units), each with a capacity of 1000 liters, made by Remi, are located in Stability Room.
22. Medium Duty Stirrer, with a capacity of 2000 RPM, made by Remi, is located in R&D.
23. Medium Duty Emulsifier, with a capacity of 2000 RPM, made by Remi, is located in R&D.
24. Laboratory Centrifuge (2 units), made by Equitron, are located in the Microbiology Lab.
25. Colony Counter, with a capacity of 99999 units, made by Equitron, is located in the Microbiology Lab.
26. Vortex Mixer with Standard Tube Head, with a capacity of 2000 RPM, made by Corning, is located in the Microbiology Lab.
27. Lab Water Systems for Type I Water, with a capacity of 35 liters, made by Pall Cascada, is located in the Hot Zone.
28. Modular Fume Hood, dimensions 1800l x 900b x 2400h mm, made by Artlab Private Limited, is located in the Hot Zone.
29. Laminar Air Flow Bench (2 units), dimensions 1500mm x 900mm, made by Matsya Green Enviro Private Limited, are located in the Microbiology Lab.
30. Eye Wash, single head, made by Artlab Private Limited, is located in the Hot Zone.
31. GI Make Emergency Shower, single entry, made by Artlab Private Limited, is located in the Hot Zone.
32. Micropipette, with a capacity of 100-1000 micro liters, made by P’fact, is located in the Chemical Analysis Lab.
33. Micropipette, with a capacity of 10-500 micro liters, made by P’fact, is located in the Chemical Analysis Lab.
34. Micrometer (2 units), with a capacity of 1000 microns, made by Mittutoyo, is located in R&D.
35. Vernier Caliper (2 units), with a capacity of 6 inches, made by Digital Caliper, is located in R&D.
36. Heating Mantle (2 units), with a capacity of 1 liter each, made by Ikon, is located in the Hot Zone.
37. Heating Mantle (2 units), with a capacity of 500 ml each, made by Ikon, is located in the Hot Zone.
38. Heating Mantle, with a capacity of 250 ml, made by Ikon, is located in the Hot Zone.
39. Vacuum for Buchner Funnel Assembly, with a capacity of 350mm Hg, made by Ikon, is located in the Hot Zone.
40. Hand Refractometer, capacity A 0-32%, made by ERMA, is located in R&D.
41. Hand Refractometer, capacity B 28-62%, made by ERMA, is located in R&D.
42. Thermometer, Master Probe, with a capacity of 120 F, made by Waterproof, is located in R&D.
43. Steel Water Distillation Unit, with a capacity of 4 liters per hour, made by Ikon, is located in R&D.
44. Digital Thermometer (2 units), temperature/RH, made by Waterproof, are located in R&D.
45. HVAC (23 units), with a capacity of 80000 CFM, made by Matsiya Green Enviro Private Limited, is located in the AHU Area.
46. Purified Water Generation & Distribution System, with a capacity of 1000 liters per hour, made by Permionics Membranes Private Limited, is located in the Purified Water System Room.

1.25L Sq ft of built-up area

Asking Price Includes

Land, Machine and entire infrastructure.


Owner Shifting out of country.

Other Details

Currently, approx 125 people working in the factory.
Top management comprises a team of 25 people having their expertise in different fields - like Finance, R&D, Manufacturing, Quality Control, Quality Audit, RM Purchase, Store, Marketing, Social Media Promotions, Etc.


Business Tags

Nutraceutical Plant For Sale In Hyderabad

₹10 to ₹200 Cr

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