Natural Stones Wholesaler Business For Sale In Chennai

Listing ID: SL018476
Posted By: Owner
Last Active: 1+ year ago
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Product / Service

They deal with Marble & Granite & Tiles, they are traders of all Natural Stones used for Housing Materials.

Clientele type

New Housing Projects, Architects, Interior Designers, Hotel Projects, Hospital Projects, and many more.



Premise Size: 2.1 acre

Market Value (in INR): 136,500,000

The total land area is 2.1 acre in which 51,000 sq. ft of Covered Shed

Asking Price Includes

The asking price includes a 51,000 sq. ft covered shed, adequate lighting, an electrical connection, and various accessories.


The promoter want to shift to another business and they want to sell this property.

Other Details

The promoters are in this business from last 36 years and they are second generation in this business and they have busied this land in 2014 and incorporated from this place 2 years ago in 2022 and they have generated INR 24,00,00,000 in last financial year.

The total land area is 2.1 acre in which 51,000 sq. ft of Covered Shed, 2 Admin Office, 2 Showrooms, 3 Covered Labor / Staff Quarters, 1 Guesthouse with 2 Bedrooms and Kitchen Mess.

Benefits of this business land include its proximity to the automotive and steel industries, being near SIDCO, easy access to the main highways to Andhra (Tirupati), Bangalore (15 minutes away), and Sri Perumbudur, as well as being close to the Korean factory area.
The land is surrounded by over 50 plotting projects and 5000+ plots, making it a major market for warehouses and offering high potential for rental income, estimated at 6-7 lacs per month. Additionally, there are 30 good housing projects in the vicinity.


Business Tags

Natural Stones Wholesaler Business For Sale In Chennai

₹10 to ₹200 Cr

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