Collaborative Workspaces Giving franchise Pan India

Listing ID: SL018097
Posted By: Owner
Last Active: 2 weeks ago
Verified User Information

Product / Service

They offer collaborative workspaces with state-of-the-art infrastructure and advanced computing devices and software suites, event hosting facilities for tech events, gaming marathons, cryptocurrency seminars, and digital design sessions, community programs tailored to meet the needs of tech enthusiasts, artists, entrepreneurs, and students, virtual reality consoles & simulators featuring cutting-edge VR technology for immersive experiences, gaming stations with high-performance PCs and consoles for gaming enthusiasts, and chill stations designed for relaxation and informal networking.

Clientele type

They cater to tech professionals, artists and designers, entrepreneurs and startups, gamers, students, and corporate clients.


The property includes land & buildings in prime areas with high foot traffic, office premises ranging from 2,000 to 10,000 sq. ft.
Located in tech hubs and vibrant communities, it is designed to accommodate up to 100 individuals with flexible spaces for events and collaborative projects.

Asking Price Includes

The terms of transaction will be discussed with potential franchisees.


They are looking to expand their presence pan India.

Other Details

They started their business in 2020 and recently they added a gaming facility to their new clients. They are always open to continuous learning to stay ahead in the dynamic tech landscape, utilizing the latest tools and technologies for a competitive edge. With multiple income sources from memberships, event hosting, and specialized programs, we ensure financial stability. Our robust digital presence and marketing strategies enhance visibility and engagement, while our commitment to eco-friendly practices benefits society and the environment.

Business Tags

Collaborative Workspaces Giving franchise Collaborative Workspaces Giving franchise Pan India

₹10 to ₹200 Cr

Complete Investment Banking Solution in 120 Days

Seamless Fundraising/M&A transactions

Start your growth journey with our 25+ Years of Experienced Professional Team.

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