Bar and Club Raising Seed Funds In Mumbai

Listing ID: SL018339
Posted By: Owner
Last Active: 3 days ago
Verified User Information

Product / Service

Nightclub offerings consist of music and lighting setups, beverage services, VIP experiences, security, and event coordination.

Clientele type

Upper middle class, corporates, youth, friends, couples, etc.


They are yet to lease the premise.

Asking Price Includes

The terms of transaction will be discussed with potential investors.

Asking Price

INR 2.00 Crore

Minimum ticket size

INR 2,500,000 (INR 25.00 Lac)


They are looking to raise funds to develop the pub and restaurant.

Other Details

About the founding team: Founder 1: He has an MBA in Logistics & Supply Chain Management from the Institute of Logistics and Aviation Management. He started his career as an intern with Sohum Logistics, Process Logistics, and Embark Logistics wherein he gained logistical experience through all three modes of transport. His corporate journey started with Apple as a supply chain executive and he was promoted to an Assistant Supply Chain Manager within 5 years. After Apple, he worked with Patanjali as a Pan India Supply Chain Manager for 3 years. With all the corporate experience that he gained, he moved on to become an entrepreneur and established a Supply Chain Agency that provided custom supply chain solutions as per the requirements of the clients. Along with this, he ventured into the Hospitality industry in January 2023. Founder 2:She has done her PGPM in Core Marketing from ICFAI University. She started her career as a Corporate Customer Acquisition Intern with Divine Solitaires. Her corporate journey started with Course5 Intelligence as an Associate Project Manager for 21 months. From there she moved on to Torfac for 9 months (previously known as Wiseworks) as a Senior Project Manager. To gain more exposure in her current role she took up an opportunity with Nepa as a Global Data Procurement and Panels Analyst for a year. After Nepa, she has been currently working with Wolf Insights, a Canadian-based market Research Industry as an Account Manager. She ventured into the hospitality industry on 2nd October 2022 under the guidance and experience of her family.


Business Tags

Bar and Club Raising Seed Funds In Mumbai Nightlife events social gatherings music hospitality

₹10 to ₹200 Cr

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