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Simple Reads on Business Lifecycle: Start, Grow, Exit

Over the last few quarters, our lifestyle and work modes have changed. The way we do business has changed drastically. At IndiaBiz, we see a substantial shift in the way business owners, buyers, investors and intermediaries look into business transactions. 

Through this article, we bring you some of the most useful reads on business lifecycle.

Starting a business is always exciting and so is buying an existing business. In recent times, a lot of SMBs are on the verge of closing down. Here is a quick read on what should we be aware of while exploring a business opportunity that is close to failing. 

Transitioning yourself in a new business is as important as identifying the right opportunity. Any business will have multiple good customers and a sudden change in the business working pattern can affect the customer base. Click here to read tips on a smooth transition.

It is challenging for a business owner to have an action plan on what to do after a Business Exit. Business exit is not the end of entrepreneurial journey but an opportunity to take your game to a next level. Check here to know how can you restart this fantastic journey. 

Lastly, no business can get good leads without effective marketing. Valuation, financing, structuring, legal, etc are indispensable services. Effective marketing of any business is the most important thing to consider. Click here for a kickstart read on effective marketing of consultancy business.

If you are looking to explore business opportunities, visit us at Indiabiz – India’s Leading Platform For Investment Banking Opportunities for Small to Medium Businesses & Startups.

1 thought on “Simple Reads on Business Lifecycle: Start, Grow, Exit

  1. It was an interesting take when you said that a business exit isn’t the end of the journey but is instead an opportunity to take our game up a notch by restarting. Speaking of business exits, I plan to open a retail business soon so I wanted to know the expected lifespan of my new store and the products we’re selling. I’ll keep this in mind while I look for where I can get business epigenetic testing soon.

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