Business Matchmaking Platform

The Art of Business Valuation during Fundraising and M&A in Bangalore

After completing 3 events on the same topic in Hyderabad, Ahmedabad and Mumbai, we have been delighted to complete the 4th event on the topic of ‘The Art of Business Valuation for SMEs & Startups During Fundraising and M&A’ in Bangalore. IBGrid organized this event with eChai Ventures and Onsurity on 7th of October 2022 at Wework Vaishnavi circle, Bangalore

We had esteemed speakers in Kulin Shah (Co-Founders Onsurity) & Anand Datta (Principal at Nexus Venture Partners). Bhavin S. Bhagat (Co – Founder at IBGrid and IndiaBizForSale) moderated the event. Kulin shared his views as an entrepreneur as well as an investor from his tenure as a VC as well as angel investor in many startups. Anand shared his views from a VC investor point of view. Towards the end Yogesh Agarwal (Co-founder Onsurity) also joined the chat to share his fund-raising experience raising SEED capital for Onsurity. 

Anand Datta, Kulin and Yogesh discussed startup founders’ mindset, how to go about business valuation discussion in SEED, Series A and Series B onwards.They also shared insights on overall funding, pitching to angel investors, and also for the evaluations of startups by VC firms – all in this has been truly useful for many in the audience. 

Here are some observations from the audience as below:

“Capital has become more accessible today. The size of seed rounds have increased. 5-10 years back the seed round was US$150 -200k $ but now Angels invest that much. Today seed funding round on an average ranges from 1M -10M $ (The size has increased),  read more here

“I got opportunity too meet such great enterpreneur and got so much learning from them about business valuation and too express our thoughts regarding such topics which is too helpful now a days in startups industry… Read more here

“It was an amazing experience networking with these people at  “The Art of Business Valuation for Startups and SME Event, Click here:

“Friday evenings are best spent at startup events like these for the founders... Read more here:

Bhavin shared how valuation negotiation happens in fundraising and mergers and acquisitions from his experiences and observation via dozens of transaction successes. In addition, it was discussed how business valuation reports are used by start-up founders, for not only to assist fund-raising and M&A but also to track their business KPIs on a yearly basis.

Wrapping Up

Businesses of all sizes can benefit from a professional Business Valuation report. This sets the tone and helps not only in negotiation but also to qualify the interest from the otherside. We strive to provide professional valuation reports that make business transactions smooth and efficient for the companies. If you are looking for any guidance on how it can work for your startup, you can feel free to check here.

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