Business Matchmaking Platform

5 critical steps to scale up a Retail Franchise Brand

CNBC covered an enterprising journey and critically successful steps taken by Hearty Mart by Nadeem Jafri, Ahmedabad.  The article is beautifully written giving insightful tips on how to scale retail franchise network. Step 1: Target Existing Market First– The current market of operations is the best place to look for growth ideas. Step 2: Integrate Ideas- Devise…

5 critical steps to scale up a Retail Franchise Brand

CNBC covered an enterprising journey and critically successful steps taken by Hearty Mart by Nadeem Jafri, Ahmedabad.  The article is beautifully written giving insightful tips on how to scale retail franchise network. Step 1: Target Existing Market First– The current market of operations is the best place to look for growth ideas. Step 2: Integrate Ideas- Devise…

How to Grow Your Small Business with Franchising?

What is Franchising So, before going further, we need to know what is the meaning of franchising? So, Business Franchising is the process of expanding the business by distributing the product or services in deferent location to establish the brand’s trademark and its brand system. Why Franchising? As the owner of a small business, you…