IndiaBiz launches Business Buyers’ Club in Bangalore for the First Time

Back with a Bang – Indiabiz brings Business Buyers Club to Bangalore Preparations had started as early as eight weeks before the set event date, 14th March 2020. Business Buyers Club event was to be hosted in Bangalore for its first time. Business Buyers’ Club is an exclusive series of events hosted on the novel…

Budget 2016: Impact on Startups

Startups were awaiting anxiously for Mr. Jaitley to come with bonanza for them. Few years have been happening for them and companies started by new breed of entrepreneurs have attracted huge investment from domestic as well as foreign investors. Modi’s emphasis on “Make in India” and “Standup India” had raised expectations to peak. Even the FM…

Have a failed startup? Sell it on ‘’ – PCTech, a platform for selling small and medium sized businesses, is seeing a spate of listings from small startups that wish to divest a part of their business or cash out entirely as entrepreneurs hope to see some return from the code, application or platform they have built even as their ventures didn’t succeed.